Interns Speak Out

Cedarville University
I could not have chosen a better internship to prepare me for student teaching and my future career. I learned important teaching methods – pacing, flexibility, behavioral management, creativity, and tone. I learned how to cooperate and problem-solve with other team members under stress.
My wonderful team members helped me learn interpersonal skills as well as help me grow spiritually. The enormous responsibilities placed on me taught me the value of preparedness and flexibility.

Lancaster Bible College
Looking at behavioral issues and how to respond to them has helped me as a Children’s and Family Ministry major, but [this internship] also gave me a love and passion for the performing arts, and a desire to continue in some way. It has challenged me to step outside of my comfort zone, to grow in my walk with Christ, and discipline myself to manage my time, talents, and habits to serve others.
The relationships formed with teammates and the kids definitely made an impact on my life. … I think the kids taught me a lot more than I was expecting. Their interactions with one another, behaviors and personalities gave glimpses into what they may experience at home or at school. It helped me in learning how to appropriately deal with situations that may arise, and how to find a balance between discipline and love.

North Greenville University
Being able to teach theatre … pause … and have a teachable moment with kids as we related the material to the Bible definitely helped me as a theatre ministry major. I learned how to step back and look at the big picture, instead of worrying about small, unimportant things. I also grew in learning how to love on kids and being able to meet them where they are in their lives.

Frostburg University
“I got experience in so many areas in one summer — performing arts, business, customer service, photography, and working with children — all while growing spiritually.”

Grove City College
This internship is an amazing opportunity in so many ways. There is nothing that compares to the experiences I have had with kids, culture, travel, relationships, teaching, performing arts, and growth in Christ through this internship. The basic premise is that we teach kids about worship through the arts – but in reality, they teach us.
This internship is perfect for those interested in the arts, education, and kids. As a music education major it gave me much needed teaching experience in my field, and solidified my career choice to work with kids.

Cedarville University
Whether in [teaching] Biblical truth or performing arts, when you see a kid click and take ownership of what they are learning, the awe of seeing that light in their eyes and the feeling that you helped them to that point is so powerful. That feeling is only matched by the humility and gratitude to God you feel, for He was the One who put the pieces in place for you to have that experience.
I have grown in so much self-discovery. I know what makes me tick much better now, how to utilize self-control, how to give and take and to get along with others better, and so much more. In leaving my comfort zones I have been pushed to grow more that I would have thought.

Grove City College
Coming into this internship I knew that I’d learn how to manage a large group of children, teach efficiently, and think creatively on my feet. What I didn’t know was that I’d learn how to adjust to a team situation where every person contributes different abilities and talents to the success of the group.

Cedarville University
From a theatre point of view, one of the most powerful things about this internship is the challenge of putting on a show every week. It teaches you how to keep your eyes on the goal while still engaging children in the moment. [It has] helped me learn a lot about working under pressure. It also gave me practical training in working in numerous environments, and adapting lighting to different venues.
From a teaching point of view, the most powerful thing about this internship is the countless teaching opportunities it gives you in a variety of environments and situations. I had very little teaching experience or training before this internship and I think that through immersion I learned so much more in a shorter amount of time then if I had taken classes. Also, I think it is a lot easier to learn about teaching and teaching techniques if you already have some experience to draw upon.

Birmingham Southern University
I have been able to use the theatre games, teaching methods, and leadership techniques as a Teaching Fellow for Beginning Acting at Birmingham-Southern College. Because this internship gives you a taste of so many aspects of theatre and ministry production it is perfect for people seeking unique ways to utilize their arts interests (beyond the common goal of performing on Broadway!). This internship fits well with my liberal arts education because it explores how a field of study –like theatre, dance, photography, or music — can be used in conjunction with other disciplines (like religion, computer science, and leadership) to serve a community.

Louisiana College
I’ve gained a lot of experience with aspects of the arts that I hadn’t experienced previously. I also learned a lot about teaching kids, which will help me as I pursue music therapy. I have been surprised a lot this summer.
I’ve been reminded that God can use the simplest things to do great things. Seeing Him work through the little things has been amazing. I found myself growing in ways I hadn’t expected and becoming a stronger believer in Christ. I learned that I am capable of leading in ways I never dreamed I could. I never considered myself to be a strong leader, but through my internship I have realized that I can take charge of things as needed. I guess I didn’t expect to learn so much in one summer.

North Greenville University
[Through this internship] I not only learned how to teach children about God and the performing arts, I also learned other valuable life skills – like how to work with teams, and how to deal with people in a professional manner. I have grown a lot in my leadership abilities. I have learned how to delegate a lot better and I have learned that stress is contagious, so I chose not to stress about things. In doing so my team was much more efficient.
[The internship] has helped me expand in theatre by teaching me more about blocking, staging, and the flow a show should have. I love All About Kids Productions!

Louisiana College
The experience I gained as a teacher will leave the greatest impact on my career. Relating both education and spiritual topics simultaneously is a blessing, and challenged me to grow in my faith.
What was the greatest factor that contributed to my growth? On-the-job experience. Sitting in a classroom — hearing a lecture or observing – [by itself] doesn’t make a good educator. The trial and error experience of actually teaching is what builds a confident teacher.